Pointless? By DannyDarko

Just a little space to put my views out there about games. Sometimes they'll be new, sometimes they'll be old and sometimes they might be about theories and philosophies about gaming in general. Hope you like it.

DannyDarko x

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Here we go: MW3 post- Mark II

So I had already written the most beautifully crafted, hilarious, accurate and encapsulating piece on this game, but it somehow got deleted. This means that in true Tenacious D style, I give you the tribute to the greatest post in the world. (Just going to write another piece really..)

He's back and you actually control him this time
In the unlikely event that you are new to the Call of Duty series, then let me give a brief but accurate synopsis of any and all of the games in the series. Call of Duty: *insert number/subtitle here* is a fast-paced, first person shooter that sees military hard men parading round the globe shooting up anyone that looks even remotely eastern. The general gist for the Modern Warfare titles has been that a crazy, sadistic Russian terrorist by the name of Makarov has been traipsing around Europe killing folk with various technologies. Makarov wants to see Russia at war with America and has a pretty good go at making this happen. Modern Warfare 3 runs with this storyline and the whole game is centred around finding Makarov and his lackeys. I may as well not bother with any of this storyline lark, because it is all a ruse. The story is a very minor feature in this game, just like it was in the others. When I'm sneaking through the dusty streets of some African village watching civilians being executed as I stare helplessly, knowing that if I break cover I will be killed, my focus is entirely on the problems at hand. However, when I have finished sneaking through the streets, infiltrating a stronghold and killing the leader of this murderous bunch, the level ends and a loading screen comes up. At this point in time I have a moment to reflect and I wonder to myself... What the bloody hell did that have to do with anything? Oh it was the CoD version of chasing up a bit of intel. Right...

Minor rant aside, I don't mind that the story is so threadbare because quite honestly they could scrap the campaign altogether for all I care and give me twice as many Special Ops. This game mode is the best thing to happen to the series in my opinion because it does away with the silly problem that is plotline and allows CoD to do what it does best: brilliant set pieces that involve stealth, tactics, brute force, vehicles, allies, gadgets and any mix of the lot. The Special Ops mode allows you to feel like a proper military badass and the only bad thing about them in my opinion is that there aren't more of them. And yes, I do think Special Ops is better than zombies- 100% better.

 The graphics haven't seen much of an improvement since Modern Warfare 2, in fact I was shocked at how similar it looked on first sight. I do like the look of the rain dripping from things in the campaign and I'm going to try and figure out how to get a clip of that up just in case anyone else is as painfully sad as me. Not much else to say about looks really, because sadly not much has changed... big downer. On the plus side, however, the guns feel right again and when you look down the sights of an AS50 and pull the trigger you can feel the power. Recoil, bullet damage and knife lunging is all back to normal so for me the gameplay is spot on. One big problem for me is that Sledgehammer have turned the grenade launcher setting from terminate to tickle, which must be a knee-jerk reaction to Blandy's videos.

Multiplayer is obviously a big selling point for this game and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I know that a lot of people seem to have a problem with multiplayer sacrificing single player content (See fullyramblomatic.com) I'm going to leave multiplayer out of it for today, but I will come back to it. I like it, but I'll save it for another time.

The bottom line is that the game has it's flaws. If you want a deep, rich story with complex characters and intricate interlinked plot points then you should be looking at my Heavy Rain post, because you aren't going to find all that in MW3. The gameplay more than makes up for the lack of story, because it constantly entertains. It gives you set piece after brilliant set piece and never really gives you a minute to take a breath. The easiest thing to say is that if you liked MW2 you'll like this, because unfortunately it's very similar. The good thing about that is that MW2 was the best in the series and this one has survival mode too!

DannyDarko x

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